Genetic strata are levels of genetic factor and state that each genetic element has a degree of influence on intelligence and personality; the highest is gender and the lowest strata is blood group drive stimuli. STIFIn is in the top 2 and 3.
Persistent, detailed, recorder, discipline, careful, spirited, encyclopedic, workaholic, timeful, indifferent
Adventurous, playful, demonstrative, generous, repetitious, show offs, tune in order, inoffensive, endurance, experience
Expert, on time, scheduled, independent, focus, thorough, mechanistic, prudent, responsible, scheme
Expert, on time, scheduled, independent, focus, thorough, mechanistic, prudent, responsible, scheme
Balanced, compromizing, peaceful, resourceful, simple, forgiving, occupied, flowing, smooth, intermediary
Learner, assertive, perfectionist, scholar, hard to please, proud, optimistic, deep, insistent, capable selling
Inspiring, solver, benchmarker, expressive, respectful, assemblies, detective, seletive, diesel, romantic
Influencing, idealistic, leader, kindful, reflective, popular, convincing, promoter, diplomatic, friendship-appeal
Emphaty, tolerant, communicative, listener, sympathy, affectionate, persuasive, enable, considerate, guiding